Buddhist Temple
Buddhist Temple
Wedding ceremony in Buddhism Style has its own characteristic. The ceremony will begin at the morning when a groom and a bride give alms to the monk. This is one way to make merit according to Buddhism way. It was believed that merit that a groom and bride made will support their marry life. After that a groom and bride will light a candle and scent at the front of Buddha statue.
This would be the sign of beginning of the ceremony. After that the couple will give offerings (consist of monk’s rope, food and etc.) to monks. Then the monks will bless the couple.
After finishing religious ritual in the temple, there will be a procession lead the groom and the bride to the altar. There the couple will be crowned by flower tiaras that linked to each other. This presents that the groom and the bride have finally became the one person!! From now on, they will share happiness and sadness.
The couple can choose any Temples in Thailand. If you prefer to have your wedding in Thai style, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.